
A holistic model to open Tourism VET for vulnerable groups

The TourEdu4All project aims to strengthen the capacities of SSA Tourism VET institutions in terms of empowerment and inclusive access for disadvantaged populations through the development of a Holistic Model for inclusion in Tourism VET at the heart of which lies the knowledge exchange of networked collaboration, realistically adapted to the context of the partnering SSA countries. The Holistic Model for inclusion in Tourism VET, comprised of the identified expertise and Good Practices of the VET partners, will act as the basis for the development of the capacity building training curriculum that will target the partnering VET providers and teachers/trainers, to cultivate skills of the future workforce that successfully correspond to the Tourism industry needs.

Funding Programme

ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET Capacity building in the field of Vocational education and training (VET)

Project Number



400.000,00 €


12/2023 – 12/2026 (36 months)


Germany, Spain, Greece, Namibia, Gambia and Kenya

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BK-con entails broad experience in EU funded projects, at a development and implementation level. Being founded in 1994, we have over 30 years of expertise in transnational projects having participated in the design and implementation of a total Project value that exceeds the budget of 4 billion Euros.

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