PERCEIVE – Newsletter #1

During the last few years, and especially after the outburst of COVID-19, the way and means of delivering education have been completely changed. The first way of the pandemic highlighted a gap in the efficiency of integrating technology in the delivery of trainings throughout the globe.

Nevertheless, the extent to which technology is integrated in the operation of a VET Provider and the design and delivery of e-learning solutions is dependent on the size and previous experience of each Provider. Larger Providers tend to have additional resources, an increased number of experienced staff, as well as synergies with other education providers, factors which all contribute to a better reaction time and flexibility in terms of incorporating technological advancements in their operations. This results in inequalities between the larger-sized and the smaller-sized, local VET providers, who are not capable to adjust and follow the latest technological trends with the same effectiveness.

At the same time, each educational Provider, especially in the field of VET designs and delivers a course according to the country-specific labor market needs. When transferring a course from a face-to-face to an online environment, the style of teaching also differs, along with the skills and competences of the teaching staff. As a result, different VET providers offer different learning experiences for the same subject and foster a feeling of confusion among learners. This negatively affects the image of VET, since students are not sure whether the acquire the same level of skills and competences in an online and in a physical learning environment. 

In this context, a proposed solution would be the establishment of a horizontal and cohesive Quality Assurance Framework, which would support all VET providers regardless of size, in the delivery of online learning. Such an effort would ensure the high-quality standards of the educational provision, while learners would feel more confident in pursuing a VET course, even if it is delivered online.

This has been the main goal of the PERCEIVE Project, which has designed and developed a complete Quality Assurance Framework, covering all the main aspects that affect the quality of an online course in a VET environment. For more information on the project and the free-to-use framework, you can visit the project website in the following link.

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