TourX – Newsletter Issue 2

Dear Friend, dear Partner,

Welcome to the 2nd year of TourX!

As we just e celebrate the first anniversary of our long journey towards excellence, the activities of TourX have been non-stop for the last 12 months!

An incredibly intense ride that involved 22 organizations and more than 40 professionals directly participating to the development of one goal: excellence for the tourism sector.

Let’s dive back then!

The international way to Excellence – The Transnational Network of Centers of Vocational Excellence for Tourism

TourX is a unique initiatives that progress hand in hand with other exciting projects running throughout Europe. The ambition of TourX is that to bring together vocational institutions, businesses and public authorities from different regions of Europe – all working towards the same goals, through the same activities.

Soon you will be able to take a look at our cooperation model, fostering the growth towards live ecosystems of excellence that will be widely available across Europe and beyond.

The international activities of TourX have managed to cross also the border of the project partnership. In cooperation with the flagship initiative of the European Commissionthe Pact for Skills for Tourism – the EVBB has successfully networked with more than 100 organizations for the promotion of the TourX approach.

What does Excellence really stand for? The Building Blocks of TourX

Projects such as TourX are avant-garde initiative that are experimenting a way for organizations to work together towards upskilling and reskilling – something that has only taken place through single initiatives so far.

TourX offers a recipe – a methodology that, in other words, will provide ready solutions for tourism ecosystems across Europe to thrive.

The work of the last few months has been addressed right at these categories of Excellence, and soon we will publish the first fruits.

And which one of these area is the most interesting for you? Are you ready to join the TourX network?

Between management and progresses – the steps of TourX

The way for TourX to achieve excellence is long and requires the work and cooperation of many partners. Frequent meetings and discussions do not really picture the vibrant feelings you have when working on these topics. When experts from different fields come together, rest assured that the discussion will be exciting and full of new elements for the future. This is the key element to understand the Transnational Partner Meeting held in Italy during March 2023 and the following Study Visit in Brandenburg region during June 2023.

Do you want to know more about these activities? Check out our social media pages & website!

Get engaged and join the movement for Vocational Excellence!

For constant news and information on TourX, we invite you to follow us on FacebookLinkedIn and Instagram.

–  TourX team

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