Up-Sailing – Newsletter Issue 1

We would like to inform you about the new Erasmus+”UP-SAILING: Cultivating Green Skills in Maritime Sector” project, project aims to directly respond to the existing gap in green skills that is observed in the maritime/shipping sector, aspiring to cover a wider spectrum of stakeholders.

The Up-Sailing project intends to introduce a holistic methodology that will bridge VET Education and the Maritime/Shipping Industry, promote a green certification system, and contribute to the respective policy dialogue with lessons learned and good practices that will be developed throughout the project, starting from the participating countries (Italy – Greece – Malta – Portugal – Germany) and then expanding it to other European countries.

In addition, it aims to design online a training programme offered through O.E.Rs, an online green label registry for shipowners who apply green technologies in their vessels/companies, an online training platform accessible from end-users all around Europe and from different media, a comprehensive set of recommendations, drawing from the project’s experience and lessons learned which will hopefully foster policy dialogue on the green transformation of shipping/maritime industry.

For relevant news and information on UP-SAILING, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn


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