Touring – Request for Proposals

Pact for TOURism Skills – Towards a greener and a more digital Tourism Era – TOURing (Project Id: 101087478is a Forward Looking project funded under the Erasmus+ programme.

TOURing envisions creating excellence in Tourism through a bottom-up approach where the Education providers of the partnership will enhance their ability to adapt skills provision to everchanging economic and social needs.

TOURing aims at reshaping the Tourism micro & SMEs by upskilling them with the green and digital skillsets in order to build a tourism sector of tomorrow that is economically, digitally and environmentally viable in the long term through the implementation of more sustainable and digital models within Tourism micro & SMEs in the post-covid environment

The purpose of the assignment is to establish all the actions, procedures, measures, indicators, and systems that will secure the quality of the outputs and processes, allowing their close and continuous monitoring and reviewing during the TOUring lifespan. The Quality Assurance and Evaluation mechanism optimises the internal communication procedures of the consortium, to ensure the quality of project outputs and to safeguard the high quality of the deliverables.

Total Maximum Value of the Assignment: 10.000 € (including VAT)

Duration: 24 Months

Deadline for Submission: 24.03.2023

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