Life-in-EU – Project successfully terminated

The Life-in-EU ERASMUS+ project has reached the end of his life cycle the 31st of July 2024.

During the last Transnational Project Meeting, held by Zoom the 23rd of July 2024 the project partner made a “tour d’horizon” about the archived results and produced deliverables. Most of all, they could highlight the e-learning/MOOC platform to use on-line and the respective App to down load. These deliverables are available in German, Greece, English, French, Maltese and Slovenian.

The access to the platform and the App is very easy by creating own user accounts. The user can study 6 units like 1 – Education, EU and National Values and History, 2 – Politics, social affairs, law and rights​, 3 – Geography, Religion and Customs, 4 – Citizenship and labour market integration, 5 – Training Path for Young Migrants on Citizenship and 6 – Storytelling skills strengthening. Each unit is accompanied by Assessment questions, gives a summary of reached knowledge and offers also Mini-Games.

Feel You free to use both opportunities in Your work as Youth Worker acting with migrants and refugees or as an institution focused of the integration of foreign people in Your country.

All other relevant project documents are available in the ERASMUS+ Project Results Platform:

Now, it is time for the partners to report to the funding organisation.

Stay tuned:


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