The AcTiOn project aims at promoting inclusion and labour market integration of immigrant learners, through the design and delivery of training to VET staff, teachers, and stakeholders as well as to involve more VET education providers and experts, in immigrants’ labour market integration. Drawing upon the findings from the 101: Analysis of Existing Training Programmes for Immigrants’ Employability, we designed and delivered an Open Educational Resources Training Programme, providing material for VET teachers/trainers/staff. As responsible for 102, AKMI has worked alongside with Institute for Roma and Minorities, BK Consult, PRISM Impresa Sociale s.r.I, ARSIS, ROMA YOUTH CENTRE and ZEWELEPE Consultants Limited.
The development of a tailored-made training programme: Enhancing the professional development of VET trainers and staff, paves the way for a high-quality VET towards the improvement of migrants’ upskilling pathways.
The training programme and its components, it is structured in 4 parts:
- Programming Languages: Introduction to programming, Python programming language, Basic to programming in Python.
- Social Media: Distinctions between different social media platforms, setting up professional accounts, WordPress, Vlogs etc.
- Experiential Tourism: Offering a holistic knowledge of prospects, resources and tools of Experiential tourism.
- Soft skills in the Tourism sector: aspects of soft skills that are important for employability
To find more about the Open Educational Resources Training Programme: