
Digital Skills for Small – Medium (SMEs) ToURISM Enterprises

The e-tourism project aims to support tourism SMEs (which are either family-run or operated by small teams of staff who lack the required skill set to perform) in order to develop the necessary digital skills as a way of dealing with the disruption that was caused by the pandemic during the last three years and with a view on the modern business settings that have been shaped in the recent years, through the training of VET students and educators.

Funding Programme

ERASMUS-KA210-VET Small-scale partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Number



60.000,00 €


09/2023 – 08/2024 (12 months)


Germany, Greece

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BK-con entails broad experience in EU funded projects, at a development and implementation level. Being founded in 1994, we have over 30 years of expertise in transnational projects having participated in the design and implementation of a total Project value that exceeds the budget of 4 billion Euros.

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