develoPmEnt of quality assuRanCe mEchanisms In VET E-learning environments

This project is focused on the design, testing and integration of QA methods and tools that consistently enhance the quality of e-learning in the VET environment, in various combinations of technology-supported Trainings. The e-learning delivery during the first wave of the pandemic has shown that the extent to which technology is integrated in the operation of a VET Provider and the design and delivery of e-learning solutions is dependent on the size and previous experience of each Provider, creating inequalities between the large and regional/local VET Providers.

Other dependencies that affect the design and delivery of VET e-learning courses include the Subject (Profession) of the Training, the preferred style of teaching and the VET teacher’s skills and competences, creating a situation where different VET Providers offer a different learning experience for the same subject, creating confusion to the learners, affecting the image of VET, since they learners are not sure whether they are acquiring the same level of skills and competences as in the physical face to face learning environment.

On the other hand, methods, tools and system model for the quality assurance in the design and delivery of e-learning have been developed for HEIs who have a long-standing experience in distance learning, while the VET System lacks of such supporting mechanisms. EQAVET, a detailed framework for quality assurance in VET, is only covering the design and delivery of physical face2face trainings and not the transformation needed for delivering the same VET learning experience online.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ KA226 – Partnerships for Digital Education Readiness

Project Number





03/2021 – 02/2023 (24 months)


Germany, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria

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