
Cultural learning experiences and experiential learning paradigms for social and labour integration of disadvantaged young migrants

The past couple of years and due to the migration flows in Europe, Member States have been applying various policies aiming for the smoother integration of migrants. Special attention is being given for the education and training policies that plan to facilitate labour integration of the migrant population. However, it is obvious that the current methods are not necessarily effective since youth do not find their application attractive, their needs are not sufficiently met and the motives are not convincing. Additional to that, COVID brought self-isolation measures resulting to the pause of training and social interaction, making communication and contact even more difficult and thus further delaying the integration process.

The solution is suggested by the Life in EU is the relation of citizenship related education to employment and livelihood along with the use of new technologies since they can play a crucial role, bringing a valuable training to the society and enabling a paradigm shift towards citizenship activation.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ KA2 – Cooperation partnerships in youth

Project Number



285.140,00 €


11/2021 – 05/2024 (30 months)


Austria, Germany, Greece, France, Malta, Slovenia

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