InCUBator for the resilience of the culture and crEative sectors

Europeans leave. According to the Eurobameter’s survey, 53% of respondents believe that Member States are close in terms of shared values. Having this in mind, culture can help bridge this divide, increasing cultural participation, and bring Europeans together to experience what connects them rather than what divides them. Under this perspective, CUBE project is linked with the formulation of educational activities, but in a way that it is modern and digital, aligned with the new challenges. Our project desires to help artists to acquire skills and competences, including digital competences and entrepreneurial spirit that reinforce creativity in education. This aspect will bring innovation and sustainability of cultural sectors and industries in an era when everything changes.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ Ka227

Project Number



256.279,00 €


06/2021 – 05/2022 (24 months)


Germany, Poland, Greece, Romania, Cyprus, Italy

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BK-con entails broad experience in EU funded projects, at a development and implementation level. Being founded in 1994, we have over 30 years of expertise in transnational projects having participated in the design and implementation of a total Project value that exceeds the budget of 4 billion Euros.

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