Move forward the tourism sector in the region of Spreewald with TourX!
On the 25th of August, the German partners of the TourX project (BK Consult, DEHOGA Brandenburgg, AVT, Landkreis Spree Neiße) met in Lehde, located in the beautiful nature of the Spreewald / Germany, to found the German Triangle for the TourX project, focused to create a Regional Centre of Competence for Tourism.
The meeting was held to sign the formal agreement for the German Triangle, to talk about the next steps and to share some thoughts and ideas between each other. Open questions were answered and financial aspects were clarified.
DEHOGA Brandenburg and AVT informed, that they got in contact with the Greek partners (AKMI International) and updated their Moodle platform involving a course from a former project (Tour2include) from AKMI and BKC, which is now already running, and that there are going to implement some micro-courses as well.