PROMA – Newsletter – Issue 4

PROMA – Newsletter – Issue 4 – Happy Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate women who, through their outstanding achievements, have contributed to a better world and to the development of a society in which women’s rights matter. Also, on this day, it is more important than ever to remember that gender equality remains an important goal for which we must militate for and that women’s rights are essential in a democratic society.

One of these rights is the right to education, which also means an extra chance at a better life. In the 21st century, there is still discrimination in access to quality education, and Roma girls and women are one of the most vulnerable groups in Europe.

Through the project Promoting the Integration of Roma Women (PROMA) we actively contribute to the empowerment of Roma women, through education. Thus, following an analysis of the needs of Roma women in formal and non-formal education, we have developed an online platform, an interactive tool which is useful for both Roma women and trainers working with them.

What is this platform and what is its purpose?

This platform provides a virtual learning environment, providing a collection of materials, modules, textbooks and assessment tools on:

  • Romani history, culture and identity and perceptions of it;
  • Social exclusion;
  • Empowerment of Roma women;
  • Training techniques adapted for Roma women;
  • Good practices and exercises to improve the learning experience;
  • Methods of personal and professional development for Roma women.

A special section is reserved for Career Management Skills, dedicated to Roma women who want to improve their professional skills through four stages:

  • self-knowledge;
  • identifying market needs and employment skills;
  • exploring the professional career;
  • developing the digital skills needed to be considered an eligible candidate.

The section also provides counceling on building a career management plan adapted for Roma women.

This platform is a tool that allows trainers to better understand the peculiarities of Romani culture, to get involved in supporting the social inclusion of Roma women, to improve their skills for developing and delivering a better learning experience, leading to a decreasing in school dropout among Roma girls. and women.

The platform can be accessed HERE.

We send our best wishes to all the women in the world and we urge them to keep fighting for the rights of all women to be respected so that everyone of them can reach their true potential.

Happy Women’s Day!

This newsletter has been elaborated within the project PROMA – Promoting the integration of Roma women, funded by Erasmus+, Agreement number 2020-1-RO01-KA204-080214. The content of the newsletter represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The newsletter is sent quarterly to the organizations in the databases of the partners in this project.This newsletter was drafted and disseminated in accordance with the GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation- European Regulation 2016/679 on data protection and privacy in the European Union and the European Economic Area. In case you do not want to receive this newsletter, please write to us at:

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