
Promoting ICT knowledge for the elderly people

Rapid digital transformation offers European member states a unique opportunity to turn population ageing into a pathway for growth. The Silver Economy Study of European Commission estimated that by 2060 at least one in three Europeans will be over 65. Moreover, in the Eurostat’s study “Ageing Europe: looking at the lives of older people” it has been underlined that two fifths of people aged 65-74 years old had never used even a computer.

Within this context, learning is no longer confined to a specific phase in our lives, but rather it has become a dynamic process covering all stages of life. Bridging the digital divide between generations, is perceived as the potential approach to meet every day needs of older people. ICT4Elders is the answer towards transforming elderly peoples’ lives by improving their well-being as they will be able to use the Internet and access services ultimately aimed for their well-being. Our project proposal fosters innovation by ensuring that elders could have the appropriate information needed.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ Ka204

Project Number



299.215,00 €


11/2020 – 10/2022 (24 months)


Czech Republic, Luxemburg, Greece, Germany

Project Partners

BK-con entails broad experience in EU funded projects, at a development and implementation level. Being founded in 1994, we have over 30 years of expertise in transnational projects having participated in the design and implementation of a total Project value that exceeds the budget of 4 billion Euros.

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