
e-WBL@HoME: Adapting WBL to the post-covid era

The scale of the COVID-19 disruption to technical and vocational education and training (TVET) has been truly astounding. At the same time, the importance of maintaining work-based learning experiences for VET learners remains pertinent as the economic fallout resulting from the public health crisis increases the chance that VET learners may not graduate on time, or will not receive the training foreseen. Therefore, maximizing work-based learning opportunities for VET learners keeps them connected to the labour market —mitigating inequalities emerging during the covid-pandemic.

Within this context, the eWBL@HoME project is re-thinking WBL through the provision of a solid framework for transforming traditional VET schemes into virtual Work Based learning experiences of the highest quality. The changes needed to keep VET placements and WBL attractive in a period where offered placements are shortened require creative and rapid adjustments that allow WBL schemes to continue to be attractive and applicable both during and after the pandemic. These adjustments include solutions such as the design and delivery of virtual WBL programs that are going to replace traditional WBL schemes, providing even better learning experiences for the Learners and added value for the employers who choose to participate and offer virtual WBL placements.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET

Project Number



323.524,00 €


11/2021 – 11/2024 (36 months)


Germany, Greece, Italy

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