We would like to inform you about that our project ROMA PLUS is progressing. It’s second newsletter has been published!
The consortium of the ROMA Plus project continues its regular online meetings towards planning the next steps and reaching a common understanding regarding the development of the project results, its deliverables and its training curricula targeted at educators and Roma adults. The first stage of the project comprised of an in depth needs analysis regarding the state of the art of Roma adults in North Macedonia, Bulgaria, and Greece. The respective partners conducted extensive desk and field research including focus groups, interviews, and online questionnaires at the national level to identify the specific particularities and learning needs of the direct beneficiaries of the project: Roma adults with low literacy and numeracy skills. All partners followed the research guidelines developed by Symplexis and, in the end, three National Reports outlining the findings were produced.
Read the newsletter and find out more about Roma Plus at our website: https://romaplus.eu/roma-plus-2nd-newsletter-is-out/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/RomaPlusProject