More than 30 trainers and coaches from the three participating project countries exchanged their experiences during a 3-day Short-Term Staff Training held online in July.
With regard to the common target group of refugees and migrant learners the main aim of the projects Learning, Teaching, Training,- Activity (LTTA) was to develop the knowledge and the experiences of the participants through training on intercultural education and awareness and through the exchange and sharing of good practices.
Facilitated by Social Impact and ΑΚΜΙ ΚΕΚ the hosts focused on involving representatives from local organizations from different cities across Greece in order to provide a spherical idea of how the integration of migrants is implemented in the country. In the training also participated representatives from different types of organizations, namely: Non-Governmental/Non-Profit Organizations, Public Bodies, Private Organizations as well as beneficiaries of training and other services, in order to have a general overview of the topic.
Apart from the guest speakers, who undeniably provided an added value to the whole training, the event also tried to give the floor to the participants in order to share their personal experiences, thoughts and ideas of the topic through non-formal education activities. Some of them were implemented in smaller groups and other in the plenary session. By this way, the project leaders wanted to achieve the interaction among the participants, the raise of open discussions within the topic as well as the formulation of network.
Tour2Include is a project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission: it aims to establish an innovative approach with the intention to support low-skilled migrants who would like to work in the Tourism Sector to acquire the necessary typical and soft skills.