
VET Teachers’ Transversal Skills Competence Assessment System

Although most EU frameworks emphasize the role that VET plays for the economy’s future, almost no effort has been dedicated to identifying VET Teachers’ transversal skills that would allow them to prepare their students for the education-to-work transition. The VETCompass project aims to respond to this problem and contribute to the enhanced quality in VET by developing an assessment framework and tool for the transversal competencies of VET Teachers/Trainers/Staff as well as a toolbox library with targeted resources that will support VET Institutions in promoting the continuous PD of their staff.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+, Action Type KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Number



46.020,00 €


09/2023 – 09/2026 (36 months)


Germany, Greece, Italy, Ireland

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