Tackling Drop-Outs Through Systematic Students screening

Early leaving from education and training remains a pressing issue in Europe with considerable costs for individuals and society. Dropout still affects one in ten young people and in some places even more than that with the VET sector still holding the highest dropout rates according to Cedefop. Regardless of the type of school and the course they offer, there are many reasons that trigger students’ dropout rates. Dropping out of the educational system has negative consequences in the labour market such as a discontinuous professional career, unemployment, holding unskilled jobs and low wages. Within this context, TeSTED aims to tackle the dropouts in the VET sector through early detection and prevention.

Funding Programme

Erasmus+ KA2 – Strategic Partnership in VET

Project Number



400.000,00 €


10/2022 – 10/2025 (36 months)


Romania, Greece, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria

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